Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Wil Wheaton is a frakking rock star!

Okay, I was never the biggest fan of Wesley Crusher. He was kind of the annoying know-it-all that you just wanted to push down the stairs. I liked where they went with his character later in the series, but still. Wesley Crusher was played by Wil Wheaton. Wil is awesome. At the Pheonix Comicon he arranged a "Rock Band 2 room." Basically, you could show up and play Rock Band 2 with Wil. You can see several videos from the event here, but I think the video below shows that he truly is a frakking rock star. YOU ROCK WIL!

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Speaking of Rock Band, think you and Michael could get it set up at Cortney's reception? It would be worth it just to get video of grandma on the drums....

It's really too bad the STTNG people never got someone that could write a decent part for a 14-year-old. Then Paramount decided to screw him over because he dared to think he was something other than their private property, just when his character was getting interesting.

The videos are hysterical. I am so pissed I didn't just take the time and drive down.