Friday, November 28, 2008


Okay, so at Thanksgiving dinner today (or yesterday technically as it's just after midnight), we also did Christmas with my grandparents, my brother and his wife and one of my sisters and her fiance. Got some gift cards and other good stuff, but my brother got me something awesome. He got me a ticket to a Dragonforce concert! Freaking awesome! He's going too, and anyone else we can find that wants to go, and it's going to be awesome! I'm a metal fan, and I absolutely love Dragonforce. A friend of mine turned me on to them three or four years ago. Yes, before they were on Guitar Hero III. Anyway, I'm really excited. That's a really different gift. I don't get to go to very many concerts. It's been a few years, so this is really cool. I can't wait to go!

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